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2023 February 18th, Member Meeting Minutes

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Members Present: Lynn Ondercin, President, Maureen Ginipro, Paul David Adamick, Pam Richardson, June Bennett, Judy Van Inwegen, Terry Lawler, Traci Skelton, Nancy Kress, Stan Dzedzy, Sue Housler, Kay Stammers, Deborah Kramer, Cindy Bateman, Val Jewel, Randy Clay, Analilia Clay, Roxanne Lawrence

Meeting called to order by President Lynn Ondercin at 11:35 AM

Member Meeting minutes of January 21,2023 meeting were accepted by Pam Richardson and seconded by June Bennett.

Guest and potential new member Cindy Bateman was welcomed. She takes enameling and jewelry classes at the CCAC and is going to join the Guild. She showed samples of her jewelry.

Flyers for the two upcoming exhibits were distributed. It was explained that the ‘Celebrating Color’ exhibit would be a collaboration between the Guild and the Cape Coral Art League and that they will be handling the Prospectus which should be available the beginning of March. The exhibit will be April 3, 2023 through April 30, 2023 at the Cape Coral Art League facility 516 Cultural Park Blvd, Cape Coral. Receiving Monday, April 3 from noon to 3 PM. Reception Thursday, April 6 from 5 to 6:30 and removal Monday, May 1 from noon to 3 PM. Exhibit will be in two galleries and we will have our own gallery. They are not charging us a rental fee and we will share the cost of the judge and food. Entrance fee will be $25 for 2 pieces checks made out to SWFFCG. Awards for 1,2,3 place and a merit award. These awards will be given by the SWFFCG. Sales will go through their gift shop which takes 30% commission plus a 3% credit card fee.

Next exhibit will be at the Coco Gallery (Art Council of Southwest Florida). Title is “Distinctive Design”. Exhibit will run May 3,2023 through May 23, 2023. It is basically a show within a show. Our exhibit will be displayed in a designated area of the Gallery. We need to provide our own pedestals and the Gallery will have 10 panels for wall mounted art. It will be a judged and juried exhibit with prizes for 1,2 and 3 plus a merit award. We are strongly encouraging members to participate especially since the timing of the exhibit means many of our artists will not be in Florida. Receiving at the Gallery will be Wednesday, May 3 from 10 to noon. Reception will be Wednesday, May 3 from 4 to 6 and removal is Wednesday, May 24 from 10 to noon. Volunteers (will be trained and supported) are needed. Please contact Donna Esher (

Discussion followed regarding the Coco exhibit. Feedback from the last time the Guild exhibited at Coco was not good. The quality of art was questioned. There was also a discussion on what the term ‘gift shop items’ means. Certain pieces that are too ‘crafty’ will probably not be accepted and we should eliminate the term ‘gift shop items’ from future correspondence. We need to also find out how many artists will be participating and how many pieces they will have so that we have a good showing.

Art Council Meeting At the last Art Council Meeting adjustments were made to the Coco and Naples payments to Artists, Malls, Affiliated Organizations and Art Council. At the Coco Gallery 70% of the selling price goes to the Artist, 15% to Simon Properties, 5% to the Affiliated Organization and 10% to the Art Council. It is the same for the Naples Gallery. The largest change is that prior to February Affiliated Organizations at the Coco Gallery received 9% and at Naples it was 10%. The Guild has artists that show and sell at the Coco especially and the change from 9% to 5% will reflect in our scholarship fund.

Criteria for the Art Council’s Winners Circle was explained. Because of space constraints each organization can enter only 2 pieces. The entries must have won 1,2 or 3 place in exhibits in the last 2 years. Lynn plans on sending an email to member artists asking to see if they have won an award in the past two years and still have the piece if they will send a photo. The exhibit will be at the Norris Center in Naples June 3-July 28. Removal for ‘Hands on Art’ at the CCAC is February 24 from 9 to noon.

The Lexington Craft Boutique was successful and well received. There will be another in November 2023.

Expo report. Classes were successful if not full. Holly from the CCAC has the feedback results from teachers and students and will share that information. Judy and June will be handling the 2024 Expo and expect to need lots of help.

Debbie Kramer brought up the subject of whether or not you are ‘allowed’ to show the same piece in more than one exhibit. It was established that the CCAC has a rule that if a piece is shown in an exhibit in their venue it cannot be shown again in that venue even in a different organizations’ exhibit. This is not the Guild’s rule. Often you will see in a prospectus that if a piece has won an award in another exhibit it cannot be shown. We will have to be specific in our prospectus’.

Raffle drawing for Mike Ziegler’s wood piece will be at the March Meeting. Proceeds go to the Scholarship fund.

The Guild’s display case now has new members exhibiting in it. That exhibit will be through March and the next months are filled. In September Paul David will have a sign up sheet for anyone interested in exhibiting and the display can be shared if you wish.

Lynn showed a short video on the Guild’s group project “Fabulous Florida” and reminded members that their panels could be any media but need to have clean backs and not be too heavy. They should be turned in no later than the April meeting. Contact June Bennett for panels.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:25 PM Next Meeting: March 18, 2023


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