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2023 September 16th Member Meeting Minutes

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

Member Meeting Minutes

September 16, 2023

Call to Order: Lynn Ondercin called the meeting to order at 11:30 AM

1. Welcome members and guests – Lynn welcomed members and guests to the meeting.

2. Approve Member Meeting Minutes of April 15, 2023-A motion to approve the minutes was given and seconded. Meeting minutes from April 15, 2023 were approved.

3. Treasurer Report – Nancy Kress reported there is $3130.23 in the bank account for the guild.

4. Membership report – Members in attendance were asked to check the information on the printed member roster being circulated at the meeting for accuracy and initial after review. Dues need to be paid by December 2023 or the nonpaying member will be dropped from the member roster. In addition, members were asked to pay an additional $1.50 when paying by credit card (or PayPal) to offset the usage fees.

5. FGCU Receptions, volunteers needed-A signup sheet was circulated for members to sign up for the FGCU reception table. Membership flyers were made available at the last FGCU reception. Everyone was asked to consider signing up for a date to volunteer for an upcoming FGCU reception.

6. Group project, “Fabulous Florida” – Donna Asher discussed the 8 X 8 boards for the “Fabulous Florida” project. She asked if anyone had boards that were not completed. She requested for the finished boards to be turned in by the November 2023 meeting. If there are ruined boards, then she would also like ruined boards to be turned in to her. There are additional boards to be distributed. Donna asked for everyone to follow the artwork guidelines stated on the submission form. For any heavy medium on the boards, Donna asked to let her know as heavy boards cannot be held on the display boards with Velcro. Everyone was reminded of the proceeds from the sale of the tiles will go to the Guild for scholarships.

7. Donate art for EXPO raffle in February and for monthly art raffle-Everyone was asked to donate artwork for each project. Tickets will be sold at the EXPO for a chance on the donated art. For each art donation, please include your name, title of the art and medium. The EXPO raffle tickets will be sold for $1 each and $5 donation will get 6 tickets.

8. Raffle drawing/”Guild Gallery” sign up – Raffle tickets are $5 per ticket. October meeting will have the raffle drawing.

For the “Guild Gallery” sign up, this is a corner within CCAC. Every month an artist can sign up to display artwork. The gallery can be shared with another member.

9. Photo requirements sheet for website, social media and print materials-A photo requirements sheet was distributed. It was announced that the photo tent is available after every meeting.

10. Lexington Craft Boutique, November 1st – Need to be prompt for sign up. The cost is $25 per table. A table and tablecloth will be provided. Art must be original. October 25, 2023 is the deadline for signing up or before if the tables are taken.

11. No longer need toilet rolls and t-shirts – Thanks to all who donated these items for the Ding Darling project which is on October 21, 2023. Members were asked to stop by the project table. There are 4 members demonstrating art along with a make and take table.

12. Members show and tell – Four artists brought in artwork for display and discussion.

13. Lynn Ondercin announced Donna Asher has resigned as Vice President and will be taking a sebatical. Judy Van Inwegen volunteered for the Vice President position.

14. Adjourn – Meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.

Next Member Meeting is October 21, 2023.


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